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Jun Yi

(Bay Area)

Intrigued by the beauty of the music and intensity of the dance, Jun discovered the world of Argentine Tango when studying at Yale University, and started her DJing journey at Yale Tango Club. Her incessant quest for great tango music led her to invitations of DJing by popular milongas in New York City, the vibrant tango community that nourished her growth and blossoming into a mature dancer and DJ. A gentle and sensitive soul, Jun actively listens to the dance floor and she creates such a music space that speaks to dancers’ emotions absorbed in a warm embrace, elegant steps, and playful movement. She aspires to create an engaging conversation with the dancers through her tunes where dancers could ease into their personal truth of tango with their emotions safely unfolding and expressed through the dance. Known for her impeccable delicacy of storytelling, Jun’s music is instrumental to creating some of the most blissful, energized and passionate milongas for the dancers that have heard her.

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Milton "El Gallo"


Milton “El Gallo” is not your regular DJ. He is a true professional, an exuberant entertainer, a thoughtful romantic, a mischievous character, a dynamic dancer, and a magic-maker who understands that every moment of an event matters.  His approach to DJing mirrors his approach to tango. He looks to deeply connect with the people in the room, carefully and thoughtfully selecting songs, tandas, and even cortinas to create a mood that accentuates the experience for each dancer present.  Expect a carefully curated journey of musical emotion that inspires you, keeps you dancing, and leaves you satisfied.


Milton hails from Boston-ish (MA, USA) where he is the resident DJ of the popular and long-standing monthly event, Milonga Nueva, which he co-hosts with his lovely wife, Corin.  He has frequently DJed throughout the United States and Canada, and at major events in Europe.

Jay Abling


J Abling has deejayed at many major festivals and cities all over North America since 2002. His DJ style is characterized by his ability to move the rhythmical feet and sway the melodic hearts of every dancer in the room. His choice tandas carefully strike the right balance between familiar classic tangos and pleasantly surprising ones. J has been teaching tango for over 20 years, and currently resides in St. Paul, Minnesota, where he and his partner run an online musicality program (

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Rachael Moon


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Rachel began her tango journey in San Diego in 2009, and, within a few years became so obsessed that she took a leave of absence to spend 6 months in Buenos Aires. During that time, dancing nearly every tanda in a milonga was the norm. While her feet no longer allow that, she loves enabling other tango addicts, and as a DJ, gives her all to keep people on the dance floor tanda after tanda. Rachel has had the pleasure of DJing at many events across the country, including Albuquerque Tango Festival, Queen City Tango Marathon, and Connect Tango Festival. She currently resides in St. Paul, Minnesota, where she and her partner run an online musicality program (

Tommy Smith


Tommy has a passion for both traditional and alternative tango music and DJing, and he believes understanding the mind of the social dancer is the key to great DJing. He has a simple mantra: OPB (Only Play Bangers!) To educate and motivate beginning DJs, progressing DJs, and those interested in tango music, he offers semi-regular DJ workshops. Events he has DJ'd at include DC’s Tango Holiday, Portland Tangofest, Tango on the Rocks, and Austin Spring Tango.

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Sarah Genung


Sarah Genung started dancing tango in 2005 when she was a teenager in Spokane, WA and one night was all it took to instill a lifelong enchantment. She started DJing in 2013 and has since enjoyed playing at events in Colorado, Washington, Michigan and Florida with Denver, CO as her current home.


She most loves the expression, sound and stories of the Golden Age which is where her music is centered, but is also energized and inspired by the recent explosion in modern orchestras who keep tango music growing as a living art form. Her ultimate goal? To dialogue with the dance floor — crafting thoughtful tandas and fun cortinas that will light up dancers' eyes and fuel dynamic energy that carries their feet through the night.

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Tree City Tango  
by Tango Boise Inc.,
a registered 501c3 & qualified
Idaho Non-Profit Corporation
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