Health & Safety Policy
Release & Liability Waiver
Tree City Tango is an event by Tango Boise Inc., a registered 501c3 and qualified non-profit corporation. Upon registering, participants are required to read, accept, and agree to the Tango Boise, Inc. Release, Waiver of Liability and Indemnity Agreement (“Release”) and our Health, Safety, & Conduct, and Photo & Video Policy.
Health Recommendations​​​
​IF YOU ARE SICK OR HAVE BEEN EXPOSED TO COVID: If you feel unwell or experience any symptoms during TCT, please stay home and get well! Starting on May 2, any cancellations will receive a credit to next year's Tree City Tango.
MASKS: Wearing a mask is elective. Please respect other people's decision to wear masks.
A note about our "DISCLAIMER: We reserve the right to institute Health & Safety protocols as needed." Any changes to our Health & Safety protocols for attending Tree City Tango will be posted on this page and emailed to all attendees via MailChimp with as much advance notice as possible at the time.